The development
The highest good of analogue photography is the first step in our workflow: the development.
With six machines for different capacities, we develop your films very carefully. We are specialized in C41, E6 and black / white processes. Additionally we process old films or special black / white films.
Our processes are controlled according to strict rules: We analyze daily control strips on our X-Rite densitometer. Furthermore we check the PH value, temperature and all mechanical components for proper operation. All our machines are regularly serviced.
Another advantage is our permanent high film throughput and the associated constant regeneration of our process chemicals. This process guarantees the use of constantly fresh chemicals. This means that our process is highly consistent!
We are also known for the use of the Heiland TAS film processors that provide an absolutely controlled b&w processing. There is no better way to develop your b&w films. Need a customized push / pull development or should we develop your films for a hard contrast or for the zone system? You need your own look for your business? We are your partner in the field of individual development.

Scanning film is a complex type of art, it need years of experience and therefore a trained eye for even the most complex color nuances. All our lab members work on the highest level of photographic art and have an eye for your beloved work on film.
We work with Fuji and Noritsu scanners. These professional scanners operate in the highest quality with an output up to 31MPixel, depending on the format.
No known amateur scanner produces scans with the quality of our scanners – color, contrast, grain – the overall quality of the image is unique and amazing. We print our scans up to DIN A2 or DIN A1 on fine art papers in highest quality.
Before scanning films, we eliminate with several ionizer the static charge and the surface dust with compressed air. Then one of our skilled lab members controlles each image and takes necessary corrections. During this process the automatic ICE system remove dust and scratches for color films up to 99%. Afterwards we check your images again before they are shipped. The ICE system is not working with b&w films. A complete spotting can be booked as an option.
With our film scanners we achieve wonderful, unique results, although some parameters cannot be changed on the scanner. There are no layer techniques, no masks as well as colors cannot be individually selected and changed.
There are only two major variables that can influence the result of film on the scanner: The density, which changes the image brightness and the correction of the colors, red, blue and yellow. Contrast and saturation can only partially controlled! But do not worry: you determine these “values” by the exposure of your film! An overexposure influenced, for example, contrast AND saturation.
When filtering the colors, our priority are skin tones! And within the limitations on the scanners, that will be mastered. If we filter the colors, for example, less yellow, so blue increases. If magenta is reduced, green increase. The color filtering determines the whole picture, because there is no masking.
If there is a dominant color in the image, it is difficult to filter: For example, a bride in the forest: The white wedding dress reflects the green of the forest. We pay attention here to correct skin tones (these reflect also the forest green!). On the scanner we have to balance all colors. That is the fine art of this work.

The result
What you see on your images are the results which are given in your film: We do not edit your images in Photoshop! A Kodak Portra remains a Portra and a Kodak Ektar remains a Ektar. B&W images are really black & white; Color casts do not exist.
Your film is the reference of your image. We know all the films available on the market exactly and we have a razor sharp eye to master the perfect scan.
Consistency is our goal.
We analyze your negatives and give you comprehensive advice. In our blog you will find important articles like our film guide.
After processing, we cut your beloved films into strips (35 mm in 6-strips, 120mm films depending on the format size). We store them or send them back to you.
Around all these steps, we are always with you. In addition, we give periodically workshops where you can learn a lot about all this magic that happens in our lab.