The result of analog photography should be the finished work. Here are some examples from the analog black and white darkroom. All images are enlarged and toned on silvergelatine fiberbase paper. The prints were then scanned! In addition, we also scan paper documents.
Darkroom print from 120 film, Fiberbase Paper, toned with selen.
Darkroom print from 120 film, Fiberbase Paper, toned with selen, sulphur and gold.
Darkroom print from 120 film, Fiberbase Paper, toned with carbon.
Darkroom lith print from 120 film, Fiberbase Paper, toned with selen.
Darkroom print from 120 film, Fiberbase Paper, toned with selen and sulphur.
Darkroom print from 120 film, Fiberbase Paper, toned with selen, sulphur and gold.
Darkroom print from 120 film, Fiberbase Paper, toned with selen and sulphur.
Darkroom print from 120 film, Fiberbase Paper, toned with selen and sulphur.
Darkroom print from 120 film, Fiberbase Paper, toned with selen and sulphur.
Darkroom print from 120 film, Fiberbase Paper, toned with selen.
Darkroom print from 120 film, Fiberbase Paper, toned with selen.
Darkroom print from 120 film, Fiberbase Paper, toned with selen and sulphur.
Darkroom print from 120 film, Fiberbase Paper, toned with selen , sulphur and gold.
Darkroom print from 120 film, Fiberbase Paper, toned with selen and sulphur.
Darkroom print from 120 film, Fiberbase Paper, toned with selen and sulphur.
Darkroom print from 120 film, Fiberbase Paper, toned with selen and sulphur.
Darkroom print from 120 film, Fiberbase Paper, toned with selen and sulphur.
Scan vom Baryt-Abzug. Ilford Delta 100 in XTOL 1+3. Print auf Adox MCC Barytpapier. Selen-, Schwefel- und Goldtonung.