Sandra Marusic is a portrait & wedding photographer
Over the years she gained experiences in photo studios and learned from different photographers. She’s a emotional scorpion and it can happen that tears run down her face when the bride sees her future husband for the first time on the wedding day. To capture those moments, are emotions which Sandra wants to show in her photography.
1. Where’s your focus in photography and what is your motivation?
I’m particularly photographing people. Because of being a very emotional person and to empathize every wedding, those are my favorite events. I can hardly wait, when my scans are in the download file. But I get my biggest motivation from my customers. In my opinion, there’s nothing better than happy customers who support your work.
2. Which camera systems are you using? Why are you using analogue systems?
Momentarily I’m using two Canon 5D Mark III body’s, one Contax and one Canon EOS 1V. I wish I could photograph everything in analogue, but I’m very sophisticated and I’m not 100% confident of analogue photography, yet. To get all important events in focus and perfectly exposed, I stil have to learn a lot.
3. What are your preferred films?
When there’s fine weather, I like the colors of the Fuji Pro400H. If there’s bad weather, what’s quite common in Switzerland, I prefer Kodak Portra 400, which I’m using the most. A short while ago I used Kodak Portra800, which also has nice skin tones and a bit different look.
4. Tell us your expectations on a lab. What must a lab accomplish for your works?
Chiefly clean scans with a consistent style of my work. Rapidity is also very important for me. I want a constructive feedback on my films (whether negative or positive) and a good service. I prefer one or two contacts instead of 10 different ones.
5. The analogue community is growing at the moment. What are your suggestions to beginners out there? Do you have any tips?
Go out and make photos. Get to know the light in different situations, what makes it even more important to make photos at different daytimes. Only take one analogue camera to your vacation. Also a good idea is, to buy different films and to photograph the same with them, also with different apertures. That makes it easier for you to see what you want and what you like. And most important: Talk to your lab !
Sandra, thank you for your time and the conversation.
Here’s a small selection of Sandras portfolio. See more on her website (